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Why Should You Choose Us?
Are you a content creator, influencer, or a website owner? Build a profitable partnership with Neakasa, a leading innovator of smart pet supply company. We welcome every possible partner to join us and promote our products, and gain commissions from every sale.

Start Earning with Neakasa in 3 Steps

1. Create Your Affiliate Account
Go to ShareASale.com or neakasa.goaffpro.com or impact.com and sign up for an Affiliate Account. Fill out the application and wait for the approval. This could take 1 to 2 business days.

2. Add Neakasa to Your Account
If you use ShareASale (Merchant ID: 133413) or Impact (Merchant ID: 4694412), search for Merchants using “Neakasa” keyword or Merchant ID and add us to your account.
If you sign in with Goaffpro, remember to add the page to you browser bookmarks for easily find next time.

3. Promote and Get Your Cash Reward
After your request is approved by Neakasa, you will get your affiliate link to share. Whenever someone takes order using your affiliate link, you get commision per order.

How to Contact Us?
If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding our affiliate program, please don't hesitate to contact us at affiliate@neakasa.com. We're here to assist you with any questions you may have about our affiliate partnerships and look forward to supporting you in your endeavors.